Fence Installation Company | Detroit Michigan

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Fence Ordinances in Detroit Michigan

Below is a brief overview of the fence ordinances for Detroit Michigan. This is not a complete or definite list and should never be used in support of a dispute. Click here to review the complete document of codes and ordinances regarding fences in Detroit.

Design & Height Requirements

Just about any common type of fence can be installed within the city of Detroit. These include vinyl fencing, wood fences, chain link and aluminum fences, and composite type fences. You are also allowed to install any common style of fence such as privacy fences, picket fencing, ornamental fencing, etc.

The maximum height allowed for fences in the city of Detroit is 6 feet tall. The possible exception to this is if your property is adjacent to a commercial or industrial building, in which case you may be allowed to install an 8-ft tall privacy fence.

Location Requirements

All allowed fence types and heights can be installed within a backyard in Detroit. Privacy fences may not extend beyond the front corners of any house, however, chain link and ornamental fences may extend into and around the front yard as long as they do not prevent sight of the property.

Any privacy fence installed on a corner lot must be installed in a way that it does not block intersecting traffic and meets all pedestrian visibility ordinances. This visibility ordinance states that no fence can be installed within a triangle area determined by measuring 10-ft in either direction of where a driveway and sidewalk intersect. This will allow visibility of pedestrians when pulling out of the driveway of a corner lot.


No Fence Permit Required in Detroit Michigan

There is no fence permit required within the city of Detroit. The city is also pretty lenient with which types of fences they allow to be installed. With this in mind, we always recommend speaking with your neighbor and any association you may belong to prior to installing a fence. In our experience, this can help prevent any complications.

If you live within a historical district of Detroit, then you will need to get in contact with them to determine what you are allowed to do.

Click Here to visit the official website for Detroit Michigan

Detroit Michigan Building Department info

The Detroit building department is where you will find information that you need in regards to having your new fence installed. Details regarding permits, ordinances, and property information can be obtained here.


2 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Michigan 48226

Phone Number

(313) 224-2733

Driving Directions

The Detroit city offices are located in the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, just East of Woodward Avenue and North of East Jefferson Avenue. Don’t forget to check out the “Spirit of Detroit” while visiting.

If you look for a Fence Installation Company in Detroit Michigan, give us a call, and we would love to help!